Topics: Risk Management

Federated Insurance Offers Designated Risk Manager Seminar to NATSO Members

NATSO's Chairman's Circle member Federated Insurance is offering a Designated Risk Manager Seminar on September 15-17, 2014 in Owatonna, Minn. Once again, NATSO members are invited to attend the training at no charge. More

Implement Internal Controls at Your Truckstop to Minimize Risks of Fraud and Theft

Each day businesses throughout the United States fall victim to fraud. The perpetrators range from front-line employees to upper management, and unfortunately, the hard truth is that fraud is on the rise. That means business owners need to be even more diligent when creating a system of checks and balances that will take away the opportunity for employees to steal. More

Federated Insurance Promotes Fire Prevention Week with Resources for Businesses

NATSO Chairman's Circle member Federated Insurance is providing NATSO members with several resources for Fire Prevention Week, running October 6–12, 2013. Every year, business owners experience property losses totaling billions of dollars due to fire. Investigation into the cause of these fires found that, if consistent attention had been paid to a few very specific exposures, most of these losses could have been prevented. Managing an exposure like fire is not a yearly, monthly, or even weekly activity—it is a daily activity. Fires can destroy not only buildings and property, but also people’s livelihoods, sense of security, succession plan, and community at large. More

Attend Federated Insurance's Risk Manager Seminar and Get a Competitive Advantage

In collaboration with NATSO, Chairmans' Circle member Federated Insurance is offering NATSO members access to their upcoming Risk Manager Seminar to be held September 9 - 11 in Owatonna, Wis. More

Risk Management: NATSO Members are Talking. Are You Listening

When I meet with travel plaza owners to discuss the risk management culture at their businesses, I often notice a repeating pattern. They have good intentions of making employee and customer safety a priority, but their good intentions don’t always get acted upon. They cite sticking points such as: I’m too busy. I’m not sure how to do it. We don’t really have any problems. Although these reasons can indeed be legitimate, they are often excuses. And excuses, my father always taught me, are like armpits—everyone has them and they all stink. More

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